This is basically my tale of setting up my old blog(built with Jekyll) and the learnings from the process.

Finally, here I am with this post detailing my process setting up my blog, and in-process my first tutorial to the community in general. OK so without getting into much talking let's get to the matter at hand.

Disclaimer: With 2+ years of experience under my belt I am hardly a veteran for the web so there may be errors (glaring ones too) or things that I miss out or I am not aware of while writing such articles. Constructive criticisms and suggestions to improve the article are always welcome!
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How can you start a blog?

First and foremost the blogs are nothing but web pages that run within a browser. This effectively means you need HTML code to build your blog. You can go about creating your custom HTML pages and add some CSS to them to make them look awesome or you can use tons of free themes out there and get started quickly. In general, basically, there are two ways to go about setting up a blog. Both these ways basically are concerned around the platform where your blog will live.

This blog is powered by Github Pages and hence I will talk about it in detail. If you need help getting started with other platforms then Google's your friend.

What's Github pages? Don't we use it just to manage and collaborate with our source codes?

There's a lot more to Github than just creating source codes repo's and collaborating with other contributors. Github Pages is a feature that lets you host your sites/blogs on Github's servers, source codes of which are handled as a GitHub repository just like any other project. Github allows any registered user on its platform for two kinds of websites :

User pages are a kind of pages that are more or less a personal space of the repository owner or as a personal blog of the website of the owner (at least that's what I understood). Whereas project pages are specific to a certain kind of project repo that you have created under your GitHub account.

Speaking in more practical terms and in case of an individual developer like myself, if I wanted to create my personal blog using GitHub pages I will go for a user page but if I have developed a small js library say for image cropping which I am open sourcing and I want a special page for, I would go for a project page.

User pages are hosted by default on (which in my case becomes domain. Also, you need to create a special repo in GitHub with the same name as the domain name previously mentioned to let GitHub know that you wish to publish your user page. Github allows for only one user page website but you can create an infinite number of project pages. You can find more differences between User pages and Project pages in the GitHub pages guide here.

Why Jekyll?

Two primary reasons why I went ahead with Github & Jekyll.

I did not at all consider any of the technical aspects of what Jekyll does, heck I did not even know this static site generator thing until recent past. I googled on for a few good themes for GitHub pages in the community as I didn't want to code my blog from scratch. Found this theme by hmfaysal to be beautiful and slick, downloaded the source from Github, initialized a git repo and fired few commands to set up Jekyll locally on my machine. There I was in a few hours with my decent looking blog live on the web.

Although there some initial troubles in building the blog on GitHub but eventually I managed to get it through with some troubleshooting. After writing my first post I tried to know more about Jekyll and the advantages of such static sites over dynamic ones and below are the few points which I picked up :

I am still figuring out how Jekyll exactly works and processes your text into a web page and how do you customize it. But it has been a fairly easy and fun process compared to when I was trying to build a website using WordPress or other content management systems. Do note that if you use Github pages to power your blog, the entire source code for your blog is open to the community and anyone can view it just by navigating to your blog repository. So it's a big no-no to use GitHub pages if you intend to use your blog or website for use cases such as financial transactions.

Step by step guide to publishing a GitHub user page

  1. Set up a Github account if you don't have one from here
  2. As we are creating a user page, go ahead and create a repository while naming it in this specific format In my case, the repo name is
  3. Clone the repository into your local machine using the following commands from terminal
    git clone
  4. Download the theme from GitHub repo and copy the contents into your repository folder that was created after you cloning.
  5. Below is what your folder structure looks like after following the above steps.
    Final Directory structure{: .img-responsive }
  6. All your configuration settings for your Jekyll website are located on a file named _config.yml. This is from where you will specify global settings such as the title of the blog, author details, URL path variables, markdown plugin being used, google analytics, etc. Open the file in your favorite editor and look for a variable named baseurl. The value of this variable will differ when you are developing locally and when your site is live. Hence I use two versions as follows with one commented at any point in time.
  7. Keeping the base url to "", open your terminal and run the below command from the root directory of your repo (in my case root is the folder
    jekyll serve --baseurl
  8. If all goes well and you don't get any wierd errors, then you can open your favourite browser and type localhost:4000 and rejoice in joy seeing your new shiny blog alive !
  9. Your blog's ready and alls well, but still it cannot be accessed by anyone over the web so we got to publish it through GitHub over the web. To do that we will have to commit the changes we made to our GitHub repo and push them online using git. To commit changes to your git repo navigate to your root directory and enter the following command from the terminal
    git add.
    //stages all modified and newly added files
    git commit -m "your message"
    //commits your staged changes
    git push origin master
    //pushes all your commits to remote GitHub repo master branch
  10. Your code is now pushed to your GitHub repo and GitHub will build your site and you should be able to see your blog live at There are a few cases where the build fails on GitHub and you should receive an email from GitHub describing the reason why the build fails. Unless it is rectified, your blog won't run on Github. Common reasons for build failures can be found here

That's it! You have published your website/blog live without the hassle of learning any bulky CMS'S or any frameworks and stuff. Also, you don't even need to buy your hosting space!

The freedom, ease of customization, simplicity, and performance makes Jekyll an attractive option to run your blog on. Do let me know your views and comments about this article or any such stories that you have while you build your own blog in the comments below. I'll be happy to hear!